![Printed magazine [cover]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54d01a5be4b09e9b60becfbf/1492308069894-T9N7NC5E21XIQNWY2030/blue_front-2.jpg)
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Bad & Heizung Concept AG magazine
[Münster, Germany]
The bad&heizung concept AG functions as an umbrella company partnering with sanitary equipment and heating firms throughout Germany. Every two years they produce a magazine called “blue,” which showcases new developments in sanitary equipment, sustainable heating design and their technologies. This was the first issue to be sold on newsstands nationwide.
Creating a fresh and more contemporary look for this re-worked issue, included playing with the original design elements and adding new ones that function with the given identity.
_sole responsible designer on project
during development
_re-design and re-positioning of
magazine for 2007 issue
_collaboration with chairman, partners
and manufacturers
Bad & Heizung Concept AG magazine
[Münster, Germany]
The bad&heizung concept AG functions as an umbrella company partnering with sanitary equipment and heating firms throughout Germany. Every two years they produce a magazine called “blue,” which showcases new developments in sanitary equipment, sustainable heating design and their technologies. This was the first issue to be sold on newsstands nationwide.
Creating a fresh and more contemporary look for this re-worked issue, included playing with the original design elements and adding new ones that function with the given identity.
_sole responsible designer on project
during development
_re-design and re-positioning of
magazine for 2007 issue
_collaboration with chairman, partners
and manufacturers
Printed magazine [cover]
Printed magazine [back]